Guys, I'm in love. I'm absolutely head over heels in love. Harry has been my favourite member all along but ever since I watched This Is Us, my love for him is just spewing out of every part of my body.
I love his voice and his cheeky personality. He has the brightest smile, the cutest dimples. He is such an angel… As if that isn't enough, he is also one sexy beast. Nobody has ever looked sexier in a button-down and a pair of jeans. Heck, everything he wears (or does not wear ;)) is sexy. His unruly hair always looks perfect. His body, I can't even.
I feel so crazy dedicating an entire post for him but I'm going to leave this post on here so I can come back a few years later and be like "What the fuck was I thinking……"
I'll update soon, once exams are OFFICIALLY over. We still have Law left but we are all acting as if it's the holidays already.