
We'll go where nobody knows

The past week has been eventful! Exams were finally over, I managed to catch The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, This Is Us (again), worked at COMEX and visited a fruit plantation in JB with my family!!

COMEX was on 5-8 September. This time round I worked with Elisha, Jianhong, Enqing and the usual IT show peeps. After the first day my feet started to hurt like a bitch… On the third day, Eli and I went to the OSIM booth halfway through work for a foot massage HAHAHA!!!

Boy were my sales bad. It's not that I didn't try, I just couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong? I don't think I'll work at an IT show ever again… Although it's fun and the company's great, I am just not cut out to be a salesperson. I am born to be a tai tai. Really glad to have made new friends though!

Some pictures from COMEX are on my Instagram. I'm too lazy to upload them :|

Today, we spent the morning in JB at my dad's friend's dad's fruit plantation. It was a whole new experience, walking through the tall grass to the fruit trees, and eating the freshly plucked fruits there and then. One down side, there were so many mosquitoes. I sprayed rounds after rounds of insect repellant but still got bitten twice. Back at the shed, there were many pails of stagnant water that was meant for washing the mud off our shoes. We actually saw mosquito larvae swimming in the pails…

We had actually planned to visit the farm a few weeks earlier but it didn't work out. Sadly, it's already the tail-end of the durian season and there were only a few durians… However, there were rambutans aplenty!!!

Bittergourd noodles

Now Mao Shan Baby, future Mao Shan Wang!!!
I'll come back for you in 7 years! ;)

And you'd think that your durian husks are clean…

My dad's colleague's 3 out of 5 girls (another hiding in the corner). Look at their cute hairstyles…
and their pants that are covered in the grass that clings on to fabrics hahaha!

See…harvesting fruit is not a glamourous process!

Bags full of rambutans in our boot HAHAHA
"Dinner is rambutan with rice"

A cute baby pineapple :)

These durians are all organic!!! *healthy*

My lunch because my JB wanton mee was already sold out :(

Excited for the week ahead! Having a BBQ with Flower Power tomorrow, going shopping midweek, starting work at the cafe on soon and hopefully also get to meet my booboo. Whoopee!!!