
First day of Junior year

Greetings from me and my little stuffed animals and Mr Snowman!!

… Okay quit judging, I just got bored. I came back from school approximately 2 hours ago and my clothes are still a pile on the floor. My mom thinks I'm a snake because I just shed my "skin" and conveniently leave it lying around.

Anyway, first day of year 2. I was absolutely terrified of the idea of changing classes because I don't really have any interest in making friends. I am fine with the few good friends I have. I always feel like the Socially Awkward Penguin when you throw me into a pool of strangers. I just can't. freaking. socialize. I was born this way.

Furthermore, everybody I've ever known's first impression of me is 'I thought you were a weirdo". At least they used ‘thought’ (I know some still do think I'm weird but it's okay I don't have to know) or my heart would be bruised. I know I look mean and tall and scary. Nobody would ever approach me to be my friend and if I I didn't approach anybody, it is highly likely I end up with no friends at all.

I'm glad I didn't have to meet my new class today because when I stepped into the lecture theatre, everyone was seated in their old classes. I burst out laughing (my heart was crying tears of joy) and happily just sat with my old class. I love 1A04 and I can't imagine myself being friends with anybody else because I don't even want to try.

First lecture of the year was SHITTY SHIT SHIT. The lecturer isn't stern so the whole lecture theatre is chaotic as f**k. And his voice doesn't capture my attention at all. At least our old B Stats lecturer's voice was annoying enough so however shitty of a teacher he was, I could still try to pay attention. But this lecturer is just, no. I tried to stay focused, I tried listening to music, I tried stretching but nothing worked. Maybe it's just the first day and I need to break into the habit of school again. Or maybe it's really him.

Lab lesson got cancelled so we just chilled in Bizpark, our lame hangout. Finally got to meet boobie for a while (after what felt like 293109423084732 years). I miss my boobie woobie :( And then we went to buy our lecture notes and then I headed home because it was too mf-ing hot to be outdoors IN JEANS.

So I came home, shedded my skin and blasted the AC. Shiok.