
Bali Day 3

Day 3

On the third day, we travelled from Sanur to Ubud.

Our hotel, Sri Ratih Cottages was located on the outskirts of Ubud. I didn't take many pictures of this hotel but it was pleasant. Except for the frog in our toilet (I explain more further down in the post).

We quickly checked in, then continued touring the area. We went up a mountain to the viewing point, to see Mt Agung (tallest mountain/volcano in Bali) from a distance. Sadly, it was cloudy and we could barely see the peak. However, at some points, sunlight streamed in through the clouds and hit the green patches that weren't burnt by lava. It looked really pretty in real life but on camera it just looks like shit.

A lake that is said to be very beautiful too, but just check out the overcast.

Our driver brought us to eat durians!!!!!!!!! My family's absolute favourite!! It was really an experience, eating durians fresh from the trees by the roadside. Apparently the Balinese like their durian not-so-ripe, when the flesh is still slightly tough. Not exactly how the Singaporeans prefer it. I like mine ripe, sweet (sometimes bitter is fine), not too watery but not to fibrous either. High expectations, I know.

The durian that the woman picked for us was not bad!! And it was so cheap, only a few dollars. The durians that we eat in Singapore can easily cost up to 20 over dollars?! 

Side note: Can't wait for the durian season!!!

Spot the worm :S

After the durians, we went to the coffee plantation to try kopi luwak, or more well known as civet coffee. Civet cats are well known as coffee connoisseurs. They are fed a bunch of the coffee fruit (they look like berries) but the civet cat picks on the fruits and eats only the best. Then, they shit out the coffee beans (which are the seeds of the coffee fruit) and ta-da! You have the most expensive poo in the world. If I'm not wrong, they cost $60 per cup in Singapore. I had mine for $7, waaay cheaper because civet coffee originated from Indonesia.

Side note: I keep calling it the see feut coffee (see feut meaning asshole in cantonese, sounds like civet) because isn't it really see feut coffee?!

Flower of the cocoa plant

Cocoa fruit

Cinnamon bark


Papaya (yuck one of my most hated fruits)

Civet cats!

Coffee beans

In the poo form, and after washing (the whiter ones)




And there you have it! Coffee powder!

Civet coffee

After the coffee plantation, we went to see more padi fields, my mom's fave -__-


Deep-fried corn

Lumpiah!!!! I love this!

Mee goreng

Deep-fried banana wrapped in lumpiah

And this is the frog we came back to at night. My sister was about to shower when she told me that there was a frog in the toilet and she said "I think it's just decoration". Then I closely looked at the frog and it turned it's head?!?!?! I quickly called the reception to send someone to send these babies out because my sis kept scaring me "What if they jump on our faces when we sleep?!" Don't worry he let it out into the bushes. No frogs were harmed.