
Please don't follow your heart

When we were babies, we were pushed into this world. Life was given to us without a choice. And now here we are, forced to live this life as best as we can. Especially in Singapore, this society we live in, it feels like all Singaporean kids lead a standard life. Almost as if we are all pressed into the same mould, or as if there is a rule book to follow; we are all expected to excel in our studies, to secure a prestigious job (preferably lawyer or doctor), to find someone we love and settle down, to parent your child so that he grows up to be yet another kid out of the mould.

Whenever I see people doing what they love for a living, like opening a cupcake bakery or being a wedding photographer, I am filled with envy and admiration. Since young we were taught to take the "practical" route – the route that will bring home the bacon and keep bringing home the bacon for a long time. I think it takes a lot of courage for one to pursue their passion in this country, because of the way we are brought up, our minds are so closed on making money.

But you tell me, what isn't more practical than doing what you love for the rest of your life? Instead of working 9-5 office job that you hate, why not just be brave and pursue your interests. So what if you don't earn as much? "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." That happiness is worth so much more than being rich, yet miserable for 5 days of each week.

Ironically, the Singaporean society's take on a bright future has done nothing but put out the light in me. Whatever they call "the perfect life" that people would be envious of has made me nothing but tired of living. A 9-5 office job isn't what I want, but everybody's doing it, and I don't have a right to be different. These people frown upon those who try to live their dreams just because it isn't the norm in our culture. And without the support of friends and family, it is hard for one to go for their dreams. So I guess all we'll ever be, is stuck in this boat with everyone else.