
Dog Days

I am practically DROWNING in school work and no hunky lifeguard is going to be able to save my fat ass. The level of stress in my head right now is at 200kilowatts and I'm about to explode.

Also, I've developed some kind of allergy to the antibiotics prescribed by my dentist...it's called amoxicillin or some obnoxious sounding shit. It has made my skin SO ITCHY SO SO ITCHY that I've gotten scratch marks all over myself because I've been scratching so hard. It's causing me some breathing difficulties too...why not just kill me already huh amoxicillin?

Anyway, a little snippet of my life...
This was me a few days back with my fried and faded brown hair...

And I look pretty much the same except I have red hair now...whee!!!

Not nice also must say chio because I feel shitty enough about school
Back to work, fml......