Two years back, when my grandfather passed away, we were packing his belongings. He's infamous in the family for "collecting rubbish" so we had a fun time looking through all the weird things he collected. Amongst all the weird things were three film cameras. Naturally, I took interest and kept them, but I didn't pull them out till Monday. Two out of the three no longer worked. Thankfully, the Konica Pop did. Made in 1982, it is a very basic camera, with a fixed focus, one shutter speed and you had to manually advance the film using the lever. Pretty damn old school.
I remember my grandfather bought me a "junior" disposable-type camera when I was in primary school and I always brought it on excursions. All I remember from those days was standing at the kangaroo enclosure in the zoo, frustrated as I was unable to zoom hahaha! So this is my first try, in 10 years, at using an old-fashioned film camera.