
Midnight City

Tuesday, Aug 6

Today was the day we were finally going to see Fall Out Boy. I could barely contain my excitement!!! But before the concert, we had to first get through our CAS test, which started at 7.30pm and only ended at 9pm. (FOB starts at 8pm… *cries*)

The CAS test was fucking horrible. Elisha and I arranged to speed through the paper and get out by 8.30pm. But it was so bad that we both had to stay behind another 10 minutes to complete whatever we can. At 8.40pm, we ran like we never did before to get a cab. By the time we reached Fort Canning Park, we had already missed The Phoenix and A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me" (I don't understand why their titles have to be so damn long). This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race was almost coming to an end. I wanted to cry… I missed three of my favourite songs.

But whatever, we ran in and enjoyed the rest of the concert nonetheless. My favourites were Alone Together, Death Valley and My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark. The both of us rocked out and relieved all the crappy CAS stress.

Wednesday, Aug 7

Today, I had an impromptu date with Kalista! We had mookata at Golden Mile Complex, which was a'ight… One of those overrated-but-won't-give-in-until-you've-tried-it-for-yourself things. Then I dragged her to have Ben & Jerry's with me at Raffles City. Finally satisfied my craving!! We had Maple Tree Hugger and Strawberry Cheesecake. Yum!

Thursday, Aug 8

Today was a very windy day. My family and I headed to East Coast Park to enjoy the weather and some barbecue! There's nothing much to say, it's just the usual fun and laughter with them. And my cousins are too cute. I value the time I spend with my family so much because it's always a good time.

Ugliest fish ever!!

Lamb choppppps