Today didn't start out well. Mondays and 9am classes DON'T MIX. Worst concoction ever. Stop trying to force it, it won't happen. Our lecturer was literally shouting for two whole hours and my ears hurt so bad. To make things worse, my dearest boobie (who is rarely ever the grumpy kid) was such a grumpy kid?! And that made me an extremely grumpy kid. I tried listening to some Lana Del Rey and going to sleep but I think they made the lecture theatre chairs so uncomfortable for this very reason. I tried to lie down on the puny table that was way too low, I tried propping my heavy head up with my arm, I tried leaning on Elisha's table (she sat behind me), I tried EVERYTHING. But there will be no more trying next Monday – behold… the Travel Pillow.
Horrible Mondays with my cute friends (check out the hot babe in the background)… and my censored mouth because I thought it looked weird lol and my jialat roots someone save them
Jianhong and I had CAS (Computerised Accounting Systems… yuck) after the lecture. I'm glad today's tutorial wasn't too much of a challenge. What I don't get is why accounting systems must be so damn complicated… Sometimes pen and paper just seems like a better option…
After class, Jianhong, Eli and I stayed back to finish our tutorials and boobie sat with us as we did our work. She tried to get me to concentrate on my work but I just wouldn't stop yakking… Concentration level: -3847. At least she stopped being that much of a grumpy poo :)
I eventually finished my CMA (Cost and Management Accounting, and I feel a need to spell out all my subjects so I can just use the acronyms in future hehe) tutorial and damn do I hate this subject!!! Actually, all my subjects this semester are like lean pork, dry and tough… It's already hard enough to get my As, the fact that they are SO BORING isn't going to make it any better. But I know nothing is impossible and I can do well if I work hard at it. (Wow I think my studies are the only thing I'm ever optimistic about.)
Highlight of today!!! Thanks to boobie who lent her PSP to me so I can satisfy my LocoRoco craving :) I miss this game so much. I think I completed the full game on my PSP but it's a little kuku now from old age so I'm starting over!
The rest of this post will be pictures from a week or two back…… :)
Monday a.k.a Lyon's 22nd birthday…
We went for karaoke and chilled at PP's Starbucks after :)
We went for karaoke and chilled at PP's Starbucks after :)
And my yummy BBF that day hehe
The girls came over to chill, paint nails and one day! We had a great time :)
Studying at the airport with Eli my study buddy…
Decided to trick others into thinking we really went on an impromptu trip to HK
and I was shocked that people actually did believe!! 😂
and I was shocked that people actually did believe!! 😂
Boobie played along by cooking up a dialogue with me on one
of the photos on Instagram and my gullible sister totally fell for it.
Totally act one in HK, until at home still act sia #delusional
And my sister who texted me the next day. I can't handle her blurness.
Random picture of me and Zeezee in lecture hahhhaa!!
Studying with my study buddy again at our beloved Anchorvale <3
Nowhere as productive as here.
Then we had Nakhon at Kovan for dinner.
More farnee conversations……
Totally expected to see some super cute girl but turns out…
This was on gloomy Sunday…
The first thing that made me laugh the entire day hahaha!!
It's kind of an inside joke, related to the picture of my nails above.
Every week, although stressful and trying, has its ups too :) I think it's really time to keep my chin up because all this negativity is affecting my mood and robbing me of my motivation to study. Things may be down right shitty sometimes, but as long as I keep my faith, I can pull through!! And all my sad pies, CHEER UP :)