

Its mom's birthday tomorrow but dad has to work so we are having a fancy dinner tonight instead. Mom chose to eat at Brotzeit which is a "German Bier Bar & Restaurant". Other than Weisswurst sausages, I probably have never eaten anything German before, so I was a bit hesitant about eating here, but whatever the birthday woman says!

Lovely outdoor alfresco dining, my favourite atmosphere! :)

Mozzerella Salat - the sun-dried tomatoes were THE BOMB DIGGIDY

Brotzeit Fladen Salami - which is just salami pizza. The dough was made out of whole wheat, which made it very flavourful. My favourite dish for tonight!

Schweinshaxn - crispy hind shank of grain fed pork served with potato salad, sauerkraut and homemade sauce

Nürnberger - grilled pork bratwurst sausages with mashed potatoes and sauerkraut

Oh my God!!!! The German names for all the dishes can just drive me mad. I quite enjoyed the food at Brotzeit but I'm not sure if I will ever eat there again (if my dad isn't paying). Mom got a little tipsy towards the end of dinner from the beer and her drowsy medication for her hives.

Can't wait to go shopping tomorrow! (And I think we're also having dimsum, double yay!!!!!)