
Haven't had such a happy day in so long! Saw bestie and the babz today, what a blissful feeling!! Went to have dinner at Ajisen Ramen after school today with my dearest baboons. Damn! My jaw is aching, and I'm too lazy to even talk now because we talked so much earlier on. And we're all so loud, when we try to get our message across, we have to be louder than one another. It gets so tiring... But they are always good company :)

You know what's coming... Picture spam!

Other pictures from today/ earlier this week/ last week:

What a beauty...

This is the end of the picturey post! It's going to be a hectic week and I'll be busy every single day of the week with tutorials and projects. I think busiest week of the year yet! I shall take a quick shower and reply all my texts asap. Toodles!