It's sad that I've resorted to updating my blog weekly but most of the time I'm just upset and uninspired.
On Saturday, I volunteered (for SEAL points, duh) with half of B1A04 to do some volunteer work together at Kovan. We went door to door to gather canned food, biscuits and all such, which was then packed into boxes and delivered to homes for the aged sick. It felt different to be sitting on a pickup for the very first time. Breezy, and slightly exhilarating.
On Tuesday, Kim and I went to get our hair did. I didn't intend to chop off that much hair, but somehow I did. It is now two inches below my collarbone. Then, we caught Prometheus, which was a Sci-Fi movie with alien gore, with the other two baboons. I thought I would be extremely bothered while watching it because I'm the type who would quiver when you say the word "ooze". However, it seems like I can handle a bit of slime and decapitation pretty well!
The last exciting bit of the week was of course Pretty Little Liars! The best, yet the fastest passing 40 minutes of each week. I'm glad they've resumed the show! It feels good to have back my weekly dose of PLL!
Thursday and Friday was spent doing mainly projects, projects and more projects. I've also gotten back into reading because I bought so many books from the book fair but was too lazy to start. I'm currently reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. I'm not totally sucked in yet, I hope I do get sucked in soon.
Today, I had a fab day out with my family, cousins and all! We had dinner at Privé, which is this relaxing alfresco dining place by the marina at Keppel Bay. Good food and good view, we even managed to catch a glimpse of the fireworks coming from Universal Studios. But then came the $400+ bill, that was a total "DENG DENG DENG DENG" moment.
There are more plans already made for next week: Suntanning + swimming, 2D1N (or maybe 3D2N if I decide to be a pig and sleep) 31 hour PLL marathon with bestie and stationery shopping!!!!!! (Why do I get so excited over stationery?)
Ending off this post with a random picture of the sky: